General News, Legislative Agenda, Press Release

Speaker Koffa’s Gives Progress Report for 100 Days  

Under the legislative Gavel of Cllr. Jonathan Fonati Koffa, Speaker of the 55th National Legislature, this legislature, specifically the House of Representatives has extremely done well during what many Liberians, including members of the House, described as Speaker Koffa’s 100 days deliverable.

According to social media posts outlining the success story of the Speaker the House of Representatives agreed to declare and publish Assets, as number two in his deliverable; the House under the watch of Speaker Koffa also returned to Executive Draft National Budget for FY-2024 to enable the President to include his ARREST agenda in the Budget.

The House of Representatives number three of his deliverable implemented was the enrollment and renewal of National Identification Cards for Lawmakers and Staffers, while line four, the House summoned CBL Governors to address circumstances regarding how much was left in the CBL Reserve by the immediate past government.

Also, the House under the leadership of the Speaker, constituted a Specialized Committee on Drugs, Rehabilitation and Reintegration; cited LTA Boss to interpret President Boakai’s Youth Development Plans ( to explain how effectively 10,000 young people will be trained in various digital skills); mandated its Committees on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Maritime to investigate the reported crisis between NaFAA and LAFA.His leadership has agreed to conduct Employees’ Payroll Audit to ensure Transparency and Accountability, and requested an Audit from General Auditing Commission’s (GAC), with such move being lauded by Liberians, and even the lawmakers themselves.

The House under the leadership of the Speaker convened an Emergency Leadership meeting on February 12, 2024 to address the persistent protests by wives of Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) personnel, also reviewed a Bill to Amend the Aliens and Nationality law of 2022.

The House Plenary instructed its joint Committee on State Owned Enterprise and Public Utilities to investigate the acute LEC power outage; the reported interruption in the supply of electricity by LEC. The House’s Plenary mandated its Committees on Investment & Concession, Mines & Energy, Contract Monopolies, Judiciary, Good Governance and Labor to probe China-Union (Hong Kong) company limited and China-Union Investment over alleged failure to live up to its Mineral Development Agreement (MDA).

Under the watch of the Speaker, the House is reviewing possibilities to revitalize the Agriculture Bank of Liberia; the House of the Representatives has cited the Ministry of Education to provide update about Government Compulsory Primary Education and Special Inclusive Education for the Deaf and Visually Impaired.To avoid Gov’t from shutdown, the House approved President Boakai’s US$ 41.3m budget request to cover government’s operations for the month of February 2024. Speaker Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa on February 21, 2024 met with employees of the House of Representatives promising that the HOR will continue to improve the welfare of its employees, pointing out that the House will make provision of vehicles to commute workers to and from their various locations. He reemphasized the importance attached to an ongoing employees’ payroll and personnel audit of the House of Representatives.House Plenary has mandated its Committee on Education and Public Administration to investigate claims regarding Liberian students residing in the country, those studying abroad and the outstanding financial obligations of the Liberian government to the West African Examination Council (WAEC).

Speaker Koffa took a decisive decision to set up an Ah-hoc Intervention Committee to probe the protest at Bea Mountain Mining Company in Cape Mount on February 29, 2024; HOR is deliberating on prospect of urging the Executive Branch of Government to withdraw Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) soldiers and Emergency Response Unit (ERU) officers from all mining company facilities in Liberia.

The House reviewing possibilities of 73 ambulances for all districts, the House’s Leadership was able to meet President Boakai on Governance and Coordination Issues, in its bid, the House endorsed a resolution for the establishment of War and Economic Crimes Court.

HOR Forgives LRA after apologizing for misinterpreting the Law on Duty Free to Lawmakers, it also convenes Extraordinary Session on President Boakai recall to scrutinize the budget, pass laws of national interest, others.

Under the leadership of the Speaker during the period under review the House voted to Punish Bea Mountain over various violations. The House also reviewed the Draft Law to Create Railway Transport, it further reviewed Draft Law to Establish Liberia National Tourism Authority, and reviewed the possibilities to employ all Supplementary Teachers.

The House is currently probing American Missionary Lucas Richards ‘Not Guilty’ Verdict; it is also reviewing the Draft Law to Establish the Technical Vocational Educational Training Program. It has appointed ECOWAS Parliament Delegation, the House during its duties under the Speakership of Cllr. Koffa designated a delegation on Global Parliamentary Forum.

The House is reviewing the possibilities to establish Paynesville Community College, the House and Senate are scrutinizing the 2024 budget. The House concurred with the Senate on War Crimes Court.

During the months under review the House summoned LACC and Cllr. Edward Kla Martin on the leakage of former President Weah’s asset declaration.

The House voted to ask the Executive to lift moratorium on exportation of unprocessed rubber. Members of the august body expressed empathy on the burning of Speaker’s home. Concluding its month in review, the United States Embassy accredited near Monrovia wholeheartedly congratulated members of the House of Representatives headed by Speaker Koffa for passage of War and Economic Crimes Court.

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Maybe just really lonely. Maybe I just want to be alone. Maybe loneliness is the only way to make that happen. Like having two pairs of eyes and just seeing the same thing. Seems like such a late hour.

Among the other things Fibonacci introduced to the Western world was a sequence of numbers discovered by 6th century Indian mathematicians. In that sequence each number is the sum of the previous two numbers – and it would later be named the Fibonacci Sequence. Using the numbers geometrically will create a logarithmic spiral. In case we didn’t lose you yet, we can actually show you that spiral – because it’s prominently placed right on the hood of the A9.

