Legislative Agenda

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Transparency & Accountability

Hon. Speaker Fonati Koffa is dedicated to having a government that operates with integrity and transparency. By crafting legislation that mandates open access to government information and enforces strict accountability measures, he aims to build public trust. His focus is on ensuring good governance practices. Through oversight and legislation, he intends to root out corruption, promote ethical conduct, and enhance public participation in governance. Speaker Koffa's vision is to create a political culture where transparency and accountability are the norm, fostering a more responsive and responsible government.

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Modernization of Legislature

The Honorable Speaker Koffa envisions a modern, efficient legislature capable of effectively meeting the needs of a dynamic society. By integrating technology, enhancing legislative processes, and improving infrastructure, he aims to create a legislative body that is responsive, transparent, and efficient

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Empowerment of Liberian Owned Enterprises

Hon. Speaker Koffa is committed to fostering a thriving local economy by empowering Liberian-owned businesses through protection and promotion of local industries. Increasing access to the financial system, capacity building, and local incentives will create an advantage for Liberian businesses. His legislative oversight efforts will prioritize local content development in key sectors and government procurement processes. His vision is to build a robust economic framework that benefits Liberian entrepreneurs and stimulates national economic development.

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Agricultural Development

Recognizing agriculture as a cornerstone of Liberia’s economy, Speaker Koffa is focused on revitalizing this sector through targeted legislation. He plans to introduce laws that promote investment in modern farming techniques and infrastructure improvements. His agenda includes promoting sustainable farming practices and improving access to markets for agricultural products for smallholder and commercial farmers. Speaker Koffa's legislative efforts will also focus on research and development to enhance crop yields and ensure food security.

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Expanding Public Health Care

Speaker Koffa is focused on equitable health accessibility and delivering quality services to address prevalent health issues and promote preventive care. His core focal areas include, but are not limited to national health insurance development, maternal and neonatal health improvements, mental health accessibility, supply chain management of health supplies, public health accountability, and WASH delivery services. His vision is to create a robust healthcare system that provides quality care to every Liberian.

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Women’s Rights and Empowerment

Speaker Koffa is a staunch advocate for women’s rights and empowerment, aiming to create a just and equitable society through legislative action. He plans to introduce laws that strengthen legal protections for women against violence and discrimination. By promoting laws that ensure equal opportunities in leadership and the economy, he aims to empower women in all sectors. His goal is to ensure women are integral to Liberia’s development and have equal opportunities to thrive.

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Educational Reform and Access

Passionate about transforming Liberia’s educational landscape, Speaker Koffa aims to enact comprehensive educational reforms. His legislative agenda includes laws to invest in modern educational infrastructure and technologies. By supporting legislation that reforms curricula to meet global standards, he seeks to enhance the quality of education. Speaker Koffa plans to introduce measures to ensure inclusive policies that provide equal educational opportunities for all. His focus also includes laws to improve teacher training and professional development. Speaker Koffa's vision is to prepare students for a competitive global environment and make education accessible to every child in Liberia.

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Youth Employment, Training, and Skills Development

With a focus on securing the future, Speaker Koffa is committed to addressing youth unemployment through targeted legislation. He plans to develop laws that establish vocational training centers and support young entrepreneurs with financial aid and mentorship programs. His legislative efforts aim to create partnerships with businesses to offer apprenticeships and job placements. By promoting laws that enhance access to quality education and skills training, he seeks to equip the youth with the tools needed for success. Speaker Koffa's vision is to create a dynamic workforce that contributes to national development and economic prosperity.